Step 5 - Making the filling ...
Assemble the ingredients you need for the recipe
you have chosen to make off of my website. (It's always a
good idea when you cook to get your ingredients out ahead
of time as it helps make the actual preparation faster and
you don't find out halfway through the recipe that you have
run out of something.)
Take your bowl of egg yolk halves and get mashing them up
with a fork. They will seem dry and almost powdery. For nice,
smooth fillings, mash the yolks well so that there aren't
any large lumps.
Here you can see the texture of the dry yolk

deviled egg fillings call for you to add all the rest of the
ingredients at one time and mix well. You can still just use
your fork for this, no fancy mixers needed. You'll need to
mash everything together for about one minute. As soon as
the ingredients are well blended and you see a nice uniformity
in the mixture, you are ready to start filling your eggs.
First though, a little discussion on the texture of the filling.
in this next photo you can see the texture of the eggs for
the "Little Bit
Devilish" Deviled Eggs recipe on my site. This texture
is smooth and firm and pipes out of a cake decorator nozzle
very well. It is preferable to avoid making the fillings too
oozy as they don't hold much shape and will likely overflow
the edges of the egg white when you try to pick them up. You'll
find the recipes on my site have a firmer texture. I doubt
you would want them drier. But to make them gooier, just add
one extra tablespoon of mayonnaise for a little extra softness.
Next, fill those eggs!